Stumble Upon
My roommate got me hooked on this site, and honestly it is really cool. Basically you sign up (which takes 2 seconds) and then you input your interests. Stumble Upon then directs you to off beat websites that can be quite a lot of fun. If you don't like a site, you hit the thumbs down button and it removes that type of site from your browsing options
Post Secret
I may or may not check this site religiously every Sunday. It has a lot of compelling secrets, and the books are great.
Wolfram Alpha
Wicked awesome information site. I use it when I want to know random facts about an object, company etc. Also, it helps with chemistry and calculus.
Far too addictive. I must thank M for making this site a favorite. It is a trivia site that has quizzes ranging from "Name the Disney Princesses" to "Name All The Popes in Alphabetical Order"
This is a great music site that is free. I usually keep it running in the backround when I am working because they have pre-made playlists.
Texts From Last Night
Crazy funny site that is very quotable. Maybe it's because most of the things aren't done in the usual state of mind, but they tend to be hilarious.
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