11 November 2010

100 Inside Jokes/Buzz Words/Stories

  1. win=when
  2. Oregon does not rhyme with polygon
  3. Blue munchies
  4. "cahfee"
  5. headache'b'gone
  6. double fist and cuddle
  7. "I'm only letting her nom on my arm because she's drunk"
  8. Arizona iced tea container
  9. The Island
  10. "At least T is face up"
  11. CARnegie vs CarnEGIE
  12. weekend omelets
  13. TFLN
  14. pushups
  15. PBR vs Keystone night at Sig Ep
  16. sleep playlists
  17. ski hips
  18. The Notebook
  19. beginning sentences with the word "Which"
  20. P&K sleeping
  21. "Darling it's better down where it's wetter"
  22. ice skating
  23. "puntables"
  24. "I didn't know it was possible to third wheel in a bed"
  25. Charlene and the espresso shots
  26. "I didn't recognize you...without the hand cuffs"
  27. cocky jock
  28. History of the World Pt 1
  29. Nemo
  30. Dr. Pepper night
  31. return from winter break
  32. 3:30
  33. pugs vs "real dogs"
  34. Monopoly
  35. Veronica
  36. scar
  37. "Oh so this one time..."
  38. "Shrek!" "Donkey!"
  39. Low by Flo Rida
  40. mushrooms lead to hiccups
  41. footprints on the window
  42. "sweet candy"
  43. The Birdcage
  44. 10
  45. mint and tea tree oil
  46. Vicks and benedryl
  47. 2 hours
  48. verbally or non-verbally?
  49. Sage
  50. pocket surprise
  51. Walgreens
  52. Arizona Orangeade
  53. Troy lights
  54. Lo Portos
  55. pregame
  56. Plum Blossom on Mothers Day
  57. traffic cone
  58. French dinner
  59. tree climbing
  60. Visual Culture paper on Shit Bricks
  61. PJ pants
  62. two fists+some
  63. koala
  64. sunshine
  65. Hogwarts
  66. Ginos on Easter
  67. ski trip 2010
  68. Black and Blue disc chairs
  69. shower guy
  70. Sig Ep
  71. Taco Night
  72. Re appropriation of Bday gift
  73. rock paper scissors
  74. Castle
  75. Octavia
  76. Wireless mouse
  77. movie induced narcolepsy
  78. pajamas
  79. Thank-you Robin
  80. walking by the pond
  81. haircuts
  82. Sharpie art
  83. Gen Psych
  84. my jeans
  85. french braids
  86. polka dots
  87. bribing with O'brownies
  88. Joe Cocker song
  89. Tuesdays
  90. puppy dog eyes
  91. highlighter art
  92. smile trade
  93. Prof. A in leather boots
  94. purple shirt and orange shirt
  95. sneeze=1/8
  96. dripping sweat
  97. Another One Bites The Dust
  98. 45º
  99. Queen song
  100. "my hair"

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