29 July 2010

Thoughts/Reflections from Trip to Rome
  1. The coffee there is AMAZING. It doesn't jolt you awake with caffeine, but rather, it calms you down and relaxes you. Then, when you're done, you can stand up and greet the day calmly.
  2. The country has an obsession with sm0king and graffiti
  3. Italian moped drivers are legally insane
  4. It is indeed one of the most romantic places on earth
  5. Risotto-even though it has lemon in it- does not always produce the best after-effects
  6. Carbs are fine, especially when you walk everywhere
  7. The table wine is really pretty good
  8. Tourists are annoying as hell
  9. So are tourist trap restaurants
  10. Gelato is amazing
  11. A lot of people speak English or French
  12. The best way to not look like a tourist is to put your phone away and enjoy the sites
  13. The Spanish steps are lovely
  14. Air Conditioning is wonderful, but old stone churches work just as well
  15. Roman plumbing systems are interesting...
  16. Even older couples are heavy on the PDA
  17. Cars are smaller and more compact
  18. If you're not sure what it is, order it and find out
  19. There are few fat Romans
  20. The level of graffiti on a metro car indicates the condition of the inside
  21. Rome is filthy, but beautiful
  22. Tivoli is touristy, but there are so many paths to wander around that you don't notice it that much
  23. Roman men are quite romantic towards their significant others
  24. Italian pharmacies are wonderful =)
  25. You can get anywhere via subway
  26. There are a lot of street musicians and artists
  27. The bidet is easy to trip over
  28. Romans do not understand strapless bras
  29. Lunch is typically a fast meal
  30. Suits get sort of smelly after three weeks of sweating in them
  31. The bread is good the pasta is better
  32. Casual dress is somewhat dressy in Rome, but formal attire is not always as formal as in the US
  33. Maps are a wonderful thing
  34. The Synagogue in Rome is exquisite
  35. Roman nightlife starts at around 11pm
  36. Flat irons are not meant to go into adapters
  37. The lack of a strict drinking age is rather nice
  38. World Cup= Superbowl in the states
  39. Pillows are a hot commodity...so are blankets
  40. The arts thrive in Rome, there are so many hidden art stores and galleries on the side streets
  41. Nuns are wonderful at sneaking you into the Vatican for free
  42. The more touristy an area, the more pickpockets thrive
  43. Coffee is amazing, and probably the cheapest beverage you could ever order there
  44. Conversely, water gets really expensive
  45. The women there are not shy about showing off their assets
  46. The airport has quite a unique layout

04 July 2010

RPI Majors To What They Actually Mean

Major ==>Actual Major

Aeronautical Engineering:Why Shit Flies

Applied Physics:Why Shit Falls

Architecture:How to Design Shit

Biochemistry and Biophysics:Why Does Shit Stay Alive

Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology:How Shit Stays Alive

Biology:This Shit is Alive

Biomedical Engineering:How to Keep Shit Alive When It Shouldn't Be

Building Sciences:How to Build Shit

Chemical Engineering:How to Make Dangerous Shit

Chemistry:Dangerous Shit

Civil Engineering:How to Make Shit Safe

Cognitive Science:How We Think About Shit

Communication:How to Talk and Shit

Computer Science:How to Program Shit

Computer and Systems Engineering:How to Make Shit to Program

Design, Innovation, and Society:How to Make Useless Shit

Economics:How to Make Money and Shit

Electric Power Engineering:How to Give Shit Electricity

Electrical Engineering:How to Make Electrical Shit

Electronic Arts:How to Make Virtual Shit

Electronic Media, Arts, and Communication: How to Make Virtual Shit Continued

Engineering Physics:How to Make Shit Seem Useful

Engineering Science :How to Make Shit Useful

Environmental Engineering:How to Save the Environment and Shit

Environmental Science:How to Make It Look Like You're Saving the Environment and Shit

Games and Simulation:How to Make Shit Seem Real

Arts & Sciences:Arts n' Shit

Geology:Ground n' Shit

Hydrogeology :Water n' Shit

Industrial and Systems Engineering:Factories n' Shit

Information Technology:How to Learn Shit

Information Technology & Web Science:How to Learn Shit Online

Interdisciplinary Science:How to do Lots of Shit

Management:How to Run Shit

Materials Engineering:How to Make Shit to Build Other Shit With

Mathematics:How to Calculate Shit

Mechanical Engineering:How to Make Shit Move

Minor in Music"How to Make Shit Sound Pretty

Nuclear Engineering:How to Destroy/Power Shit

Philosophy:Thinking About Shit

Physics:Why Shit Should Fall

Psychology:Why You Do The Shit You Do

Science, Technology, and Society: What The Hell Is This Shit