23 September 2010

H. O. X.

Today i would like to talk about an epidemic that is affecting millions upon millions of women, myself included, worldwide. What is this epidemic you ask, its called H.O.X. or Hooked On X. he has ravishing good looks, a body that some say was chiseled by the gods, he can make the panties drop with just one look, women within a 3.14 mile radius swoon for him, and he can seduce anything, and i mean anything, whether it be a women, man, or animal. women everywhere want to have the sex on him! how does one man live with this burden? he takes it in stride and looks fabulous while doing it. now i bet you are wondering what some of the symptoms of H.O.X. are and do i have H.O.X.? symptoms are women can not control themselves when hes around and he causes temporary blindness, but don't fret for it is only natural and yes you do have it! now you are probably asking yourself is there a cure? no there is not. my advice to you is soak it up and enjoy it while it last because you will miss it whens its gone.

21 September 2010

Religion- As Taken From A Discussion With R

I realized a few weekends ago
how many people actually listen to every word of the mass?
how many people know what transubstantiation is?
how many people recognize what they are doing beyond a 2nd grade level when they get communion?
I mean, yes, CCD is nice, but do people recognize the symbolism behind everything?

don't want to be afraid or humble
I want to stand up and be proud of what I did for others
and for the world as a whole

X never really goes to church
he believes
thats the sort of religion I want

I mean
don't get me wrong
god is great
god is good

I'm catholic
more humanitarian transcendentalism
I'm okay with abortion
and I also believe in gay marriage
quite strongly
and I love love love condoms
and let's not even get into premarital sex

20 September 2010


One thing that’s become a big part of my life recently is learning sign language. I don’t know why this language has taken a hold of me so strongly. I think it’s partly because I’m expressive to begin with, and that is what that language calls for, but it’s also because it’s such a beautiful language. There are signs that describe the actual meaning of the words better than just spoken words ever could. Take “pity”. When you say “pity” in sign language, you keep your hands open, but only brush your middle fingers on your heart. You then take that movement from you heart to motion your hands to the person whom you feel pity for. Is there a better interpretation of pity? Sign language is an expression of a language that hearing people can’t understand until they watch someone talk in sign. It’s almost a dance, a dance of our usual lives, just made much more expressive and beautiful. I don’t know, I guess it’s also because the deaf community is looked on as stupid, “dumb”, can’t understand anything. But sadly, they can see things that are wrong with the world much better, because they don’t have to listen for it, they only see. And how can we truly see when we are so deafened by sound?

I encourage all of you to watch this video, because it simbolizes what I feel about sign language. The deaf community do not necessarily want to hear, but they do want the world to change it's views that THEY ARE NOT DUMB!

Go to http://dpan.com/
Click on VIDEOS in the upper left corner
Go down to the third video entitled "Waiting on the World to Change"

13 September 2010

How To Make An Allison


1 shot of sarcasm
1/2 a cup of uniqueness
a dash of intelligence
Season to taste with humor, wit, and passion

Add to cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Serve in a chilled fashion.
Do not over indulge.

*Drink Responsiblity

10 September 2010

Chatham Majors and What They Mean

Accounting: How to Spend Shit
Art History: Old Pretty Shit
Arts Management: More Pretty Shit
Biochemistry: Why Does Shit Stay Alive
Biology: This Shit Is Alive
Botany: This Plant Is Alive
Business: Money and Shit
Business Economics: More Money and Shit
Chemistry: Dangerous Shit
Communications: How to Talk and Shit
Creative Writing: How to Write Pretty Shit
Cultural Studies: Different People and Shit
Economics: Why We Spend Money On Shit
Education: How To Teach and Shit
Engineering: How To Make Scientific Shit
English: How To Read and Write and Shit
Environmental Biology: How To Save The Environment And Shit
Environmental Chemistry: Continue the Shit From Above
Environmental Policy: Legally Do Shit Above
Environmental Science: How To Save The Environment And Shit
Environmental Studies: Wanting to Save The Environment And Shit
Exercise Science: Working Out and Shit
Film and Digital Technology: Movies and Shit
Forensics: Dead People and Shit
French & Francophone Studies: French Talking and Shit
Government:Politics and Shit
History: Old Shit
Interior Architecture: Inside Shit
International Business: Global Money and Shit
International Studies: The World and Shit
Management: Run Shit
Marketing: Sell Shit
Mathematics: How To Calculate Shit
Music: How To Make Shit Sound Prety
Nursing: How To Take Care of People Who Feel Like Shit
Philosophy: Thinking and Shit
Physics: Why Shit Should Fall
Policy Studies: Why Shit Should Happen
Psychology: Thinking About Shit
Social Work: Helping People and Shit
Visual Arts: Make Pretty Shit
Women's Studies: Women and Shit
Writing: Writing About Shit

***Please Reference Previous Entry in July 2010
This Is Nothing Against Chatham or Their Majors

07 September 2010

Love Song

If I were a composer I’d write a song for you, every phrase a phase in our love, every crescendo rising to the utmost harmony of us together. Resting rarely, for the silence could indicate tenseness between us. Fermatas would reveal the story of our love and how we will sustain through until the ultimate end. The refrain would never breathe, because you, my inspiration for this whole thing, leave me breathless. The chorus would rise and fall with every breath you took, and every beat of your heart would be marked with the staccato of a snare drum. Legato drawn, adagio phrases would paint pictures of our struggles as they echoed hauntingly in the lonely key of C-, while tiny accidentals would prove that we can indeed change the tone and modulate to happier times. If I could write a song, there would be a whole divisi section showcasing our beautiful synchrony and harmony together. There would be no counterpoint there, same beat, same time; slightly different notes blending sonorously together like our voices. The notes would be skipping, falling out of the instruments, not just blurring together as if someone held the piano pedal. If I could write a song, every black mark, every swirl of a clef, every bit of white space and black line would be for you. I’d write it to watch you smile, to see your happiness. I want you to be happy. You deserve it more than anyone I know.