15 February 2010

There are certain sights,smells, and thoughts that I associate with things that aren't necessarily related unless the back story is known.

An example of this would happen to be Cherry Kool-Aid, Tootsie Pops, Freeze Pops, the sight of fireflies in the grass, and the feel of hot concrete under my bare feet.

Before everyone grew up in the neighborhood , the neighborhood kids would gather and play games. Sometimes there were groups of people just chatting, and other times it was one massive herd of kids assembling to play a game. Teams were chosen by use of the captain system, and although there were the first and the last picks everyone was okay with that. Everyone knew the garages and the games that were best suited to each yard. A wide level lawn was perfectly okay for a good game of kick-ball, but down the street the house with trees, nooks, and crannies was perfect for hide-n-go seek tag. There were house rules about where you could and couldn't hide for hide-and go seek, and how many times you could be"it" if you were the youngest and slowest player. There were times when the boys would go off and play and the girls would play hand clapping games like Stella Ella Olla.

The refreshments throughout the day would consist of Kool-Aid pitchers made by the mothers. Occasionally, Freeze Pops and Tootsie Pops would make an appearance. Everyone had their favorite flavors, and everyone respected that. There were unspoken things known about each person, whether it be the fact that one family was getting a divorce or the fact that another family was planning on moving, the stress of the day to day school year was shed during the summer in favor of basking in the sunlight and joking with age old friends.

The summers stopped becoming magical about ten years ago. People grew up, cell phones were invented, and drivers license's were obtained. We no longer needed the comradeship to help dispel the otherwise unscheduled summer days. People started sleeping in late, dating, going to parties, drinking, and losing interest in the childhood days.

Every so often, at a graduation party or a neighborhood get together , the kids will assemble again. There will be more talk and reminiscing about the good old days, but more often than not, people will leave the gathering to grab sneakers. Soon there will be games of badminton on the level lawn, and popsicles will surface from someone's house. Soon, the summer will have gone back in time to a more carefree era. , and we all smile.

14 February 2010

Valentines Day

There are little quirks and such you notice when you are with someone. For example, they might say a word slightly differently, or eat their food in a specific order. There are certain ways that you fit together, and certain things that you like to say when you see something together. There are rituals you share, and pet peeves that are annoyingly familiar.

There will always be that little obsession with a cartoon show or pop music, but there will be the mutual interest found elsewhere. There will be friends who know you as a couple and friends who knew both individuals separately before you were together.

The differences don't matter much, they add flair and dimension. Age, school, distance, music taste, love of mangoes, it doesn't make a damn bit of difference once you are head over heels in love with someone. Also, falling that deeply in love isn't a choice. Some say it's God's will, other's say it's destiny. It's just the way things happen.

It's love. For good, for bad, for better or worse, it's going to stick around. The challenge is increasing the stickiness factor so it stays around forever.

12 February 2010


Some of us turn off the lights and we live
In the moonlight shooting by
Some of us scare ourselves to death in the dark
To be where the angels fly
-Red River Shore (Bob Dylan)

Ok, so this quote is from one of my favorite Bob Dylan songs. Just looking at the lyrics it seems to be fairly truthful to what people do. Instead of living life to the fullest, people are afraid of the what-if's that may occur in the future. A slightly depressing thought (or motivating, depending on how you look @ it) is the fact that you are conceived, and already you are taking time away from your life, if you believe that everyone has a finite time here on earth. So from the second you start breathing the air on earth you are taking up time. For the first few years of your life, your conscious self was probably not aware of this, but now we are and we can not let life go to waste.

02 February 2010

100 Things Learned In The Past Year

1. Never letting a moment pass you by, makes the world a more vibrant place.
2. Luck, fate, God...whatever you want to call it exists.
3. Once it gets dark enough you can see the stars.
4. Hard work does pay off in the end.
5. Everyone wants to be loved. I
6. Sleep and water are both good things.
7. Things aren't always as complicated as it seems.
8. 15 minutes can sometimes feel like 2 hours.
9. Loving someone changes everything.
10. Sometimes the simplest things are the best.
11. Pictures are worth a thousand words.
12. Never let selling art become more important than the process of creating a piece.
13. Real friends are hard to find, but once you've got them, hang on.
14. Singing "With A Little Help From My Friends" with my friends makes me one of the happiest people in the world.
15. Love at first sight isn't real, but lust certainly is.
16. Give everyone a chance.
17. Sometimes it's okay to ask for help.
18. Guys don't always need to hear every single word to understand what is going on.
19. Warm sweatpants, just out of the dryer, are amazing.
20. Sometimes you just need to cry.
21. Never be afraid to tell someone you love them.
22. Chocolate fixes things.
23. Staying in touch with friends long distance is well worth it.
24. If someone dies, their memories can still live on.
25. Never let someone dictate your dreams.
26. Creativity is invaluable.
27. Running is a way to relieve stress.
28. There is always another way to cope. Suicide is not the answer.
29. Lyrics often express your feelings better than anything else.
30. Procrastination is never worth it.
31. Holding on to someone is only worth it if they are willing to hold onto you.
32. Winning isn't everything.
33. Take time to notice the little things.
34. Seek and ye shall find.
35. Music makes the world go round.
35. The only thing that is certain is change.
36. True vulnerability can be beautiful.
37. Don't lick pay phones.
38. Nothing matters unless you are able to be passionate about something.
39. Don't judge a book by its cover.
40. Some people are never satisfied with the fire.
41. Bite marks usually mean there is a story.
42. Some things are just so amazing you can't get your socks off in time.
43. Never think you aren't good enough.
44. Fluffernutters are bad ass.
45. Being yourself is amazing. Finding out who you really are is even better.
46. Holding hands means a lot.
47. Staying up until 3:30 in the morning is so worth it.
48. Ice skating is a perfectly good way to spend every Friday and Saturday.
49. Missing someone is one of the worst feelings, but it can be overcome with time.
50. The only drinks that matter are the first batch. After that you're too drunk to care.
51. Feeling sexy makes you look sexy.
52. If something is orange, automatically assume that Jergens was used.
53. There is no sense in taking un-tamable hair and trying to make it look like Avril's in 2003.
54. Skype is a good way to keep the spark alive in relationships.
55. Having your heart broken is horrible, but breaking someone else's heart is worse.
56. Dance like a slut. No one will judge you on Monday.
57. Sometimes, you just have to take over.
58. Trust your gut instincts on multple choice tests.
59. Don't waste time thinking what could have been; there are no what if's.
60. Any television show is bearable when watching it with the one you love. (Even the Simpsons)
61. When times are tough, don't give up.
62. There is no such thing as gender superiority.
63. Ordering sushi d is harder than I thought.
64. Do not be quick to give your trust to someone. They may abuse it.
65. Never lose an interest in learning.
66. Takeout Chinese and a rainy day still make for a romantic date.
67. It is okay to lust after fictional characters (i.e. Mr. Darcy, Dr. House, Dr. Alex Karev etc.)
68. It is also okay to crush on the younger versions of celebrities (i.e. Al Pacino, John Travolta etc.)
69. Taking time to write out what you feel is well worth it.
70. Solitude can be refreshing.
71. Even yoga pants can be sexy.
72. Awards and achievements mean nothing if you can't share them with people you love.
73. Love can be found in the most unexpected places.
74. Causing chaos can be fun.
75. Jesse Owens was an amazing man.
76. Getting giggles in inappropriate times makes for good stories later.
77. The Titanic is a good movie.
78. Sometimes, life isn't fair. I miss you Antony.
79. It's the good girls that you have to watch out for.
80. I can not sing in key. Ever.
81. Don't be a doormat.
82. Rules don't apply to those with large breast.
83. TV Land teaches valuable lessons.
84. Polka dots make things fun.
85. Find someone who appreciates your quirks.
86. Pole vaulting is possible.
87. Never assume that the geek will always remain geeky.
88. Never let anyone's sexuality color the way you look at them.
89. Sometimes, the smallest details provide the answer.
90. Sometimes it's better to let someone tell you, rather than pry an answer out of them
91. Peas and M&Ms are a good combination.
92. Party hard because you never know what the next day will bring.
93. Time does not heal all wounds. It just provides more memories so you have more distractions.
94. The saddest feeling is one where you feel alone and empty.
95. Take time to climb the mountains because then you will be closer to the stars.
96. Nothing is absolute.
97. Attitude is everything
98. Mistakes are unavoidable, just bounce back the best that you can.
99. The best place in the world is being with people who love you.
100. Live Love and Learn. Pass it on.