02 October 2010

Happy Birthday to Me

Tidbits of Wisdom
(disclaimer: all learned in 2 decades)
  1. You have no control over who you fall in love with
  2. Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing to do are the exact same thing
  3. Live Love and Learn. Pass it on.
  4. People are mortal. Memories are not.
  5. Just because you live far far away doesn't mean you can't still love that person
  6. An orgy isn't always what you think it is
  7. Just when you think your life is bad, more shit hits the windshield
  8. Conversely, when life is good, enjoy every minute of it
  9. It is okay to break down
  10. Don't do drugs.
  11. Also, don't drink alcoholically. It's a nasty downward spiral
  12. Insomnia is both a blessing and a curse
  13. The most difficult thing to accept is the unknown
  14. Patriots fans are annoying as shit
  15. A friend is someone who cares about you, and likes you for who you are
  16. Sometimes it's the words you don't say that matter the most
  17. You decide what you want to be for the rest of your life
  18. Walgreens is open later than Rite Aid
  19. Photography shoots can be fun
  20. Your first kiss with someone should give you butterflies, not heartache
  21. Find something that makes you feel alive and do it often
  22. Don't microwave soap
  23. The title of "best friend" should not obscure the person behind it
  24. Workaholics don't enjoy life to the fullest
  25. Love sort of sneaks up and bites you on the ass when you least expect it
  26. Skyping at 1am is one of the few ways to stop back spasms
  27. Baby socks are adorable
  28. Procrastination is not worth it. Especially when it comes to matters of health.
  29. Even boys cry sometimes
  30. Karma exists
  31. I can no longer even smell beef Ramen
  32. Develop a backup plan
  33. Don't let people talk you into pole vaulting
  34. Laughing during Romeo and Juliet is highly inappropriate and will not be tolerated by QV staff
  35. Do what you love
  36. You'll laugh at the stupid things down the road
  37. Being proposed to isn't the end of the world
  38. Wanting something doesn't mean it is the best thing for you
  39. Never settle for anything less than the real thing
  40. Bringing religion up in every conversation does not make you religious
  41. Rock, Paper, Scissors can be a very fun game
  42. Just because someone has a title doesn't mean they deserve it
  43. Don't assume you will be the crazy cat lady
  44. When you give up on me, it makes it that much harder to listen to you when you have a problem
  45. Cops are looking to make quota at the end of the month, be careful driving
  46. If you think he's gay, he probably is
  47. Swine flu was a bad choice
  48. Apparently I should be more confident (?)
  49. There's only so much shit you should have to put up with
  50. The male IQ drops about 40 points once they cross the threshold into Victoria's Secret
  51. Music is a good way to connect with people
  52. Sidney Crosby is a nice guy
  53. You really don't know what you have until you almost lose it
  54. Anthony Rapp is gay (aka having a crush on him is rather pointless)
  55. Going to church often doesn't make you holier than thou
  56. It is very possible to sleep in the middle half of the bed
  57. Kissing someone in Disney doesn't mean you are dating in Pittsburgh (?)
  58. You might be the world to someone and you'll never know
  59. The best things in life are often the simplest
  60. Forever seems like a long time, but it can be reached a day at a time
  61. There is only so much you can do
  62. Gunpowder can indeed be manufactured in a basement laboratory
  63. Replacing the batteries makes it way better
  64. Subtlety is overrated
  65. Don't ask for an opinion unless you want an honest answer
  66. A smile from you makes my day
  67. Watching macho guys play with little animals or babies makes me melt
  68. Familiarity is often comforting
  69. The first goodbye is always the hardest
  70. Give a guy a condom and he will have sex in a boxcar with a somewhat random girl
  71. The middle of the night is a good time to think
  72. Abuse is more common than you think, and it is easier to rationalize it the closer gets to you
  73. Holding the one you love for the first time after a long time apart can bring tears of joy to your eyes
  74. Live for moments of whimsy
  75. Pretending to be someone you are not is stupid
  76. Just being there for a friend is oftentimes the best thing you can do
  77. Everyone needs a hug sometimes
  78. There are things in your life that truly take your breath away
  79. Girls night is frustrating for males
  80. Sushi is interesting
  81. We're all going to die anyway
  82. Nutella fixes a lot of things
  83. Understanding that you've outgrown a friendship takes maturity and courage
  84. Performing on stage is just not my cup of tea
  85. You can't hide forever
  86. Loving someone makes you vulnerable
  87. I am not the most graceful
  88. Circus living is not all the media makes it out to be
  89. I am top heavy
  90. "Imagine there's no heaven"
  91. Rice is rather difficult to make
  92. Suicide is a move of despair
  93. I cannot sing to save my life
  94. During difficult times, your true friends will remain by your side
  95. Having a nervous breakdown is not your fault
  96. When the whole world stops when someone walks into a room, you've found the one
  97. A dream is a wish your heart makes
  98. Love indiscriminately and as fully as you dare
  99. Never judge anyone until you've walked a mile or more in their shoes
  100. You are who you are when no one else is looking

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